"In the fall of 2013, juniors in the Fashion Department at Pratt were introduced to Isamu Noguchi's collaborations with the avant-garde dancer/choreographer Ruth Page, for whom he created two royal blue, wool jersey sack dresses in 1932 to pose and dance in: wearable artworks that transformed her into a piece of kinetic sculpture. Still in the process of learning how to turn their interests into invention, the students then spent time at The Noguchi Museum in search of inspiration. Each student developed a garment in response to something they found. Eleven were selected in a competitive process at the end of the semester and refined over the winter break.
The winning ensembles, by students: Kiet Tran, Helena Eisenhart, Sophie Andes Gascon, Claire McKinney, Shaelyn Zhu, Chantal Galipeau, Nathanial Boon Kit Woo, Giovanna Flores, Katya Reily, Landry Low, and Nicole Maleski, [were] on view at The Noguchi Museum between January 22 and February 23, [2014]."